
October 9, 2008 #049 - Vacation Odyssey Episode 4

During our stay in the Denver area one of my goals was to attend a meeting of the Denver Astronomical Society. A check of the Internet told me our stay fell between meetings so that was a disappointment. It leaves something to look forward to in the future.

Another goal was to visit S&S Optika in Denver. I remember when they were prominent advertisers in Sky & Telescope but they have not been present in recent times. My son and I drove through downtown and headed south toward their store location. It is not a big place but what wonders they have in their show room. They have rows of scopes and cabinets full of optical goodies. There were many excellent quality used scopes and the people working there were very helpful. If I were a wealthy man with a big truck I would have taken several with me. Kind of a kid in the candy store syndrome! They had some excellent deals. They also have evening observing sessions where the public is invited to try out the scopes. If you get a chance to stop in, by all means it is well worth it. I have scanned a copy of their flyer for the blog.

I received another astronomical treat from my son, which he brought back from a recent business trip to Australia. I mentioned that I would love to see a copy of the Australian Sky & Telescope which he picked up for me. It is an interesting read, the local stories and the southern sky articles were great although a portion was articles that were published in the North American issue. Of coarse it was great to browse through the advertisements.

Clear Sky - Rich

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